
Jul 07, 2010 04:14

Blow my mind. by golly Ken Panda, you have done it once again. I dont even know where to begin. I made a somewhat serious promise tonight, and that is: i am not going to spend any money this school year except for on food, if Ken will go with me to a Festival like Sasquach somewhere on the mainland. I watched so many awesome bands performs in front of live audiences tonight, i.. i... have so much of the music world yet to discover. Here is a question for all of you blog buddies: If you could be summarized by any musician, who would that singer or performer be? I am not ready to say mine yet, but i will let you know when i pick. i have bands to look up in the meantime.

So it is fast approaching 4am. Oh man, I have not pulled one of these evenings in a while. Sleep seems unlikely at this point, but who knows i may be thinking otherwise in and hour or two. But it seems unlikely because in a few hours i was planning on getting up to watch the Worldcup: Germany VS Spain Soccer game with Allegra and Sohrab from 5,000 miles away.

*damn it, my "L" key on my keyboard is being difficult, i think it may be time to take this puppy into the Mac lab and have it touched up.

so tonight i realized I know not who i listen to...

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Pavement, you have been in my music library since 2007, on practically my favorite mix CD that i own from Fonfa! But you are not the band i imagined in my head. I have misunderstood you for YEARS. <33
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