Directed to Kelly!

Dec 19, 2005 00:35

Wow! I really love how I found out that someone is mad at me at the same time that 20 other people find out. Now try to tell me you don't like drama cuz hun, your creating it right here. And hell, i'm a bit hypocritical at the moment cuz i, too, am creating some drama, but, if ur gunna dish it, then u better take it. first off, this christmas party that has been planned for about a month now, just happened to be on the same night as the wedding. i'm so god damned sorry that it's the same night that i happen to be free cuz when i checked my schedule about 3 weeks ago to find out when i could have this party, monday nite was the only nite open. so, dont give me that bullshit about the wedding and not being able to go! and if u really wanna see everyone, since ever other situation is so inconvenient for u, y don't u plan a get-together yourself, that way the only one u can complain to when it doesn't go right is yourself! o wait, u wont. u'll complain about not being able to see people or hang out, yet when they invite u too see them, u'll say ur goin and then bail out. recognizing a pattern???
which leads me to number 2: how did u figure out that i was using u for ur house? u weren't supposed to find out. i thought i was hiding it so well! should i give u a cookie?! ha! wat bullshit! do u really think that sounds like something i would do? seriously? and, wats this shit about this semester was "nothing but a lie"? right! cuz i love to lie, right thru my teeth, straight into peoples face. thats me alrite. u kno damn good that every night we went over there was fun and meaningful and i would never take those memories away. god forbide we all get along and have fun and u think it was real, honest fun. no, u have to think there is a hidden meaning to everything. so wat, r u gunna start thinking that the only reason i came to fsu was to follow u and make ur life a living hell? wow, u figured it out again! y can't u just allow things to go well, to go smoothly, to be real. do u always have to get mad at something? does there always have to be drama in order to make u happy? do u always have to be so god damn negative?? and no, not only is ur entry "childish, immature, and ridiculous", but it is also extremely selfish. o, hello, my name is kelly and it's all about me. woe is me! go back and read and look at how many times u talked about how inconvenient things were for u. i'm so sorry that everything can't be worked out to satisfy u in every possible way. i wouldn't even kno where to begin to try to make u happy. i don't think u even kno. stop being so fucking immature and selfish, and grow up. ur an adult now, a college student living on ur own. act like it!
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