Sleep Madness

Dec 19, 2006 03:15

Title: Sleep Madness
Author: Mwah.
Fandom: The Daily Show. Whoa for branching out...
Pairing: Jon/Stephen (I suppose it's preslash?)
Rating: PG for being harmless
Warning: Copious references to Kenny Loggins and bad music? Also it's either AU or... the future!
A/N: My first TDS RPS! Huzzah! I basically wrote this a couple of nights ago when I was ( Read more... )

fic: the daily show, jon/stephen, sleep madness, slash, pairing: jon/stephen, fandom: the daily show

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foureyedsnail December 19 2006, 14:27:52 UTC
if I were to be honest with myself, I would just admit it’s morning but no. It’s not morning because that would make sleep futile and I’ll be damned if I let another night go to waste.

Awesome description, so his voice!

As someone who had "Maoz Tzur" (why? WHY? Hebrew isn't even a catchy language!) stuck in her damn head for like two fucking hours last night, this has to be the best story ever. XP

I gasp out something to the effect of “you are so incredibly gay that it almost hurts my brain,” only less coherent and more laughing than actual words.

haha! <3 <3 <3 Stephen knowing obscure facts about shitty musicals makes my morning. So cute!

You win at life. I would like to have this story's babies. They would be adorable babies with my duck feet and its lovely well-turned phrases.


smilesawakeyou December 20 2006, 05:52:08 UTC
"Maoz Tzur"??? Seriously???? That is so beyond awesome. I may have to use that in the next installment. Jon is le Jew after all.

I tend to more get the bad musicals and/or catch-phrases from tv shows. Which is random and makes me feel insane in the membrane.

Stephen + shitty musical facts = OTP. No lie.

And I give my story to you in holy matrimony. The duck-feeted babies would be precious and all would indeed coo over the glory that they are. I would be a proud grandmother of such metaphorical offspring.


foureyedsnail December 20 2006, 06:01:16 UTC
Yep, seriously--I just learned the words (it's the first Hanukkah we've actually pseudo-celebrated; our Jewish roots are deeply repressed, haha), and I have boundless enthusiasm. :P

Insane in the membrane = <3

*huggles eloquent little progeny* My mother will be so pleased that I procreated after all. XP


smilesawakeyou December 20 2006, 06:21:48 UTC
Eh, at least you have something to repress. The closest I've come to being Jewish is telling my mom that I was going to convert. I'm pretty much the whitest of the white-bread protestant upbringing Suburbia can provide. Yaaay.

My mom may be less pleased that she's already the great-grandmother of something that was produced from a being made asexually by myself and is only half-human. Though she may think it's a sign of me settling down? I have no idea if those last couple of sentences made any sense whatsoever. Conan is tre distracting.


foureyedsnail December 20 2006, 06:29:08 UTC
Ahhh, white suburban upbringing, I know thee well. Frankly, I think my mum's so chuffed that I may be trading the "atheist thing" for the "Jewish thing" (no matter how much I try to explain that no, I want both, haha) that she'd get me anything--menorah, dreidel, whatever.

I think that's a sign of settling down for sure! :P And it made perfect sense to me, which is no promise as to its inherent sensibleness, but there you go.


smilesawakeyou December 25 2006, 04:07:56 UTC
Well, overall I'm not too concerned with sensibleness so whatever, yo. And you can be a secular Jew! All the morality Jew-type things with all the glory of atheism. It's win-win, my friend. It's a much easier thing to convince people to believe is real than my concoction of quasi-gnostic Christianity and secular Buddhism. Crazy? Maybe. But fabulous? Most definately.


foureyedsnail December 25 2006, 04:56:01 UTC
quasi-gnostic Christianity and secular Buddhism

Omg! That's my dad! Oh, I know that, I know that well. ;D Very excellent.

*greedily grabs atheist and Jew labels* Pahaha, I win. ;)

Oh, and (despite this being entirely denominationally confused, now) Merry Christmas!


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