Creating New Worlds

Aug 19, 2008 01:55

I've had this account for a few months now, and this is my first post to my journal. However much I love the idea of my journal serving as a metaphor for the liminal state, for potential energy, for unresolved tension, I realize that the beauty of those conditions lie in their temporary nature and thus resist the shackles of a permanent, (somewhat) physical metaphor. Or you could say I've decided to stop being a pussy and write something finally. My reluctance mainly comes from a fear that I'll repeat past mistakes and write extensively about my personal life, only to look back on this in a few years and have to delete the account in embarrassment. It's so easy to forget that anyone in the world can read this while I'm writing it, sitting snugly and alone on my own couch. If inquiring minds really want to know, I'll tell you this:
1. I follow the Harry Potter fandom, which was my main reason for starting this account in the first place, and I ship Remus/ Sirius and write the occasional Ron/ Hermione drabble, which I post at
2. I'm queer, hence the rainbow layout and interest in femmeslash, which I find unfortunately weak in the HP realm. I'd normally not want that to define me, but I'm in an incredible relationship with an incredible woman right now that makes it nearly impossible to think of personal tidbits that don't involve her. Oops, here I go again writing about my personal life!

I'd better stop writing before my entire life's history spills out. At least I've kept most of my identifying information (name, school, etc.) private. For now. <.