Jan 17, 2007 20:08
My winter break was uneventful. It consisted of:
-going to:
-the mall
-with Aaron.
-with Becca.
-a few swim meets
-an O.L.G. reunion at:
-Matt's house
-working an obscene amount.
-spending time
-with Carolyn.
-with Aaron on:
-Christmas (at home and the beach)
-New Year's Eve cuddled on the couch.
-avoiding the doctor.
-traveling back and forth from the S.B.
-eating lunch with Jacqueline.
-going to dinner with Crystal.
-going to Cyndi's jewelry party at Elsa's.
-seeing Brice on a trip to Lowell.
-running into Adrian at Starbucks.
-venting with ventis with Megan.