Take the Leap

Sep 14, 2005 01:07

...my chest feels heavy, you know like the kind of heavy you get when you are sad, or something bad happened. the weird thing is that i shouldn't have this heavy chest. i cant think of a single thing that has happened to make me sad, or upset. but i know why its like this. he is always in my head. its not that he did anything, or made me upset, its just hard not being able to be with him all the time. its hard on me that he is always buzy with important things, such as school, college.... all the things that i dont have a care in the world for. i know he would rather not be doing it, but he has to think about the future. and i am so proud of him for it. its getting hard to not touch him all the time also. i feel like i am a secret agent, and i am living a double life. i just have all these emotions, good ones and bad, and they are all getting mixed up together and its driving me crazy. Love Is Just Crazy.

im listening to paul Simon... Love.

Cool me
Cool my fever high
Hold me when i cry
I need it so much
Makes you want to get down and crawl like a beggar
For its touch
And all the while it's free as air
Like plants the medicine is everywhere


We crave it so badly
Makes you want to laugh out loud when you receive it
And gobble it like candy

We think it's easy
Sometimes it's easy
But it's not easy
You're going to break down and cry
We're not important
We should be grateful
And if you're wondering why


The price that we pay
When evil walks the planet
And love is crushed like clay
The master races, the chosen peoples
The burning temples, the weeping cathedrals

that pretty much explains it
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