Aug 22, 2004 15:26
okai, i think firstly i'd like to mention that i'm not friends with tequila anymore nor do i think i will be in the near future...puking a bunch of times kinda makes u a lil turned off by the party thrown for almost no reason on friday went great..good turn out, and i saw a few ppl who i hadn't seen in a while which was great (lisa, mcnally, mike lamanna, karen, laura cornoyea, katie pyle, mike diblee, kanitch), it was great, because in keeping with tradition (Neil give-ing us shot glasses last party), we gave neil a gift also..heehee lots of jello, we definately made use of our shot glasses and i can proudly say that i had 6 shots, which is pretty good for a chick who it usually takes 3-4 coolers to get drunk..(which i regretfully used to chase those shots...eww i can never drink a pineapple bacardi breezer again...arg..funny story..we asked our friend Mike to get us our alcofrol as par usual, but he got denied at the l.c.b.o where he usually goes, so it appeared that it'd be a dry party until i was like k, i have my older sister's id, she's twenty and we've been confused for twins before, so lets see what magic i can work..,surely enough i strolled on in all casual-like grabbed a shppoing cart and proceeded to pick up $62 bucks worth of alcofrol and headed over to the check confidently i said hey how are ya? to the cashier who replied and then checked me out and i paid cash and was out of there! but wait they never carded me..tres bizarre, but ever so entertaining, who knew breaking the law felt so good?? lisa, my good friend, showed up with, no word of a lie, 3 car loads of ppl so needless to say, in my semi-drunken state (pre-tequila, if u will) i was a lil frantic, i'm jus glad to say nothing was broken or stolen, and in conclusion it was still fun, those who took care of me are my fave ppl right now (i owe u all) and i have learned my limit..i think?? (:P)
Karen had a b-day jam at her house the next night, so yesterday night, and as per my promise i didn't drink a drop of alcofrol last night, and sarah an i took care of the drunk ones (princess an bom mostly) and i hafta say partying is not the same if ur not drinking, but debt repaid i still had fun chillin, realizing that M-A and i are gonna be college buddies and also going for a walk wif Neil, Sarah an of course Christine! JELLO, "no grice danma" i so wish i was in on that one but it was funny nonetheless! a certain friend of ours danced up a storm when we went for our walk and it was hilarious! being merely stoned which began to quickly wear off (or what seemed like quickly?) some conversations took place which just didn't make too much sense...aww neil " disheartening" OR there's always Jon with "you didn't have someone to support support you..i'll hand this one over to neil" neil "listen hayley..SU-PPORT YOU.." lol hahaha..we gave karen quite the birthday present a deceptively gia-normous black n orange road pylon which i think she liked and later cuz me an sarah were dry as the desert we dropped a drunkish neil and a drunk jon (despite what he says) of at their houses and we return to mi casa to sleep the rest of the night away. Anywaize peace out y'all ttys muah