(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 03:57

TEN Random Things About Me
10. I can put my feet behind my head.
09. I poop an average of once a week. (sometimes twice.)
08. I have 24/7 nasal congestion and sinuses and allergies.
07. At one point in my life I convinced myself that I was lactose intolerant. (maybe I am? Or not.)
06. I get my period every two weeks. (yeah so basically I have all these health problems..)
05. I can’t tread water.
04. I ate my first hamburger when I was 12.
03. I met Shaq at McDonalds once !!
02. I’ve never eaten ketchup, mustard, or pickles in my life.
01. I have an extreme gag reflex. I can’t stand smells.

NINE Places I've Visited
09. Philippines
08. Europe
07. Mexico
06. Las Vegas
05. New York
04. Florida
03. Tour of National Parks & Canyons (hehee) (Minnesota,Colorado,Oregon,Wyoming,Utah,Arizona,Nevada)
02. Canada
01. Washington State

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
08. earn a college diploma and establish a successful career.
07. be the boss. Ive had four jobs in my 18 years of living, and ive always been the bitch. One day I wanna be able to say that I’M the bitcher.
06. experience what a ridiculously gross, cant-get-enough-of-you relationship feels like. (haha..or not.)
05. be able to buy my dad a farm, a house in vegas, and anything in the world that my mom wants.
04. face my fears. Pierce something. Get a tattoo. Get my body into optimum shape. Get better at confrontation. Don’t say yes when I mean no.
03. go home one day, realize that I need to get away for awhile, just pack my bags, and go….drive to the farthest place I can, fly to some random country, whatever I feel.
02. learn to swim. Be able to tread water for days!
01. grow my hair down to my ankles.

SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
07. awesome personality.(funny, mature, genuine, courteous, understanding, open-minded, intellectual)
06. similar interests…or willing to share in each others interests.
05. treats my family and friends like their own.
04. physical attraction .
03. is there for me when I need someone. and allows me to be there for them when they need someone.
02. accepts my flaws, and loves me for me.
01. has “something special” that I just cant be without…hmm, cud be anything…wow I feel the butterflies already!

SIX Things I Believe In
06. the existence of GOOD people, and bad people.
05. Faith/God
04. Love
03. Change
02. Fate/Chance/Miracles
01. Myself (most of the time)

FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
05. my health
04. death
03. being alone
02. losing the people I love
01. not living up to what is expected of me

FOUR of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
04. my futon…such a nifty lil thing it is!
03. my leopard print window curtains…my great aunt made them for me with love
02. my debut picture sign board…written on by people who love and support me through life.
01. pictures of friends, most that I don’t see anymore but constant reminders of good times.

THREE Things I Do Everyday
03. write/read my agenda
02. think about life
01. spoil myself with food

TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
02. think about school
01. disrespect my parents

ONE Person I Want To See Right Now
01. hmmm..i miss way too many people right now to answer this question!
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