Nov 14, 2010 19:29
Okay, so November is National Novel Writing Month. I heard about NaNoWriMo last year from my sister Brittany, but I went and totally forgot about it until November 1st of this year rolled around, and she reminded me again.
On November 2nd I decided to give it a try. I figured, why not, right? I love to write, and I always have a hard time finishing any story i start. (The only things I've successfully finished have been plays.) So this seemed perfect for me. A month to just sit and write. No over analyzing what I'm putting down on paper. No over editing.
Yeah, that last part is especially hard for me.
Just a goal of 50,000 words and a rough story.
Well the original thing I wanted to work on for this was the story Brittany and I have been plotting out for a while, but she's really busy with homework and living up her senior year so I've decided to put that off. I've been writing bits and pieces of it when inspiration strikes but there's not much I can do without Britt.
So I've got like eight other stories that I loved when I started writing them, but I just can't get back into them (at least not right now). I'm super bad about finishing. I always go where the inspiration strikes and unfortunately my inspiration tends to wan after a couple pages or the initial scenes that set the story off.
So I had no idea what I was going to do, I just knew I wanted to write.
As I was reading a Chloe and Oliver, from Smallville, fanfiction last week I finally got hit by my inspiration. It had nearly nothing to do with the story I was reading. It was just a word the author used:
Suffice to say that lead to another idea (one that has absolutely nothing to do with the word; i'm weird i know). I don't want to get into specifics because I don't want to jinx it but I've got my story, sort of.
I'm already 12,814 words into it and I love it. It's snarky and funny and wonderful. At least to me. And it's light hearted, which is something totally different from what I normally write.
The only downside is it doesn't really have a plot besides the snarky romance. And after 12,000 words I figure I should probably figure that out soon. With out a plot, something the characters need to achieve besides falling in love (which even my mother's mushy books have more plot than what i'm currently sporting), it's just a bunch of funny scenes.
So hopefully a plot bunny will come scampering by soon or else I'm afraid this is going to be another one of those stories that just becomes another random file on my laptop.
Wish me luck. I'm sure as heck going to need it.