Taken from
kimmy424 1. your full name?
Kristy Nicole Joan Manzola
2. grandparents' first names?
Don & Theresa ... i don't know my dads side :X
3. what songs do you sing in the shower?
i don't sing in the shower
4. what did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
5. when and why did you last vomit?
food posioning on my 19th birthday
6. what's in your pockets right now?
no pockets
7. what color are your bedroom walls?
white with a star border half way around... i haven't finished it yet.
8. last thing that made you laugh?
watching law and order and jerry orbach saying "She shopped til she dropped"
9. nicknames your parents call you?
10. best bed sheets you had as a child?
new kids on the block :X
11. favorite childhood pet?
my cat mickey a maine coon cat.....some asshole hit her and paralyzed her and we had to put her to sleep. :( that was when i first moved from maine to new york.)
12. any pets now?
3 cats - Misty, Jake, and Dennis (the underwear stealing cat :X)
13. others describe your ass as?
wtf ?! i'm with kim on that one.
14. do you like your teeth?
i guess
15. inny or an outty?
16. things you shout to stupid drivers?
"nice blinker asshole!" yup thats me. constantly. right kim? haha
17. favorite bathroom?
18. bake or broil?
19. black olives or green olives?
20. what kind of phone do you own?
none at the moment
21. what's one of the strangest things you ever chewed on?
yea.. um ... don't know.
22. is your music kept in a particular order?
23. where do you get your film developed?
24. if your skin could be any color of the rainbow, what would you choose?
blue ... don't ask
25. where did you go to pre-school?
Brookwood Hall - East Islip
26. strangest drug experience?
smoking pot @ Chris' birthday party... mind you i was completely trashed.
I was gone. sooo gone.
27. favorite weather?
Sunny and warm not too hot
28. describe your fingernails?
the right length
29. last time you had to go to the hospital?
August 10, 2004- My back surgery spinal fusion
30. worst injury you've ever had?
my herniated disk
31. how do you like your chocolate?
32. favorite kind of tape?
hahahahahaha um. scotch? ((keeping kims answer))
33. favorite thing to write or draw with?
Rose Art X 500
34. last movie you rented?
Girl Next Door- don't remember when
35. last movie you went to see?
Breaking All the Rules
36. were you a thumb sucker?
37. how old are you?
38. What are your dreams like?
weird and usually involve famous people
39. hallucinations?
40. worst hotel you've ever been in?
The Wellington for the Hanson Carnegie Hall Concert
41. best vacation?
Camping '01 with Jason and Boston for Hanson '04 with the girls (yeah it was over night. but still a vacation for me :)
42. what languages can you speak?
English and the spanish that i remember from high school.
43. favorite house?
maine :*(
44. favorite mode of transportation?
my car --
45. favorite place to swim?
the ocean in florida
46. last porno you saw?
@ jackies... a really small part of one lol
47. last song you listened to?
Cecila- Hanson Cover of Simon and Garfunkel
48. favorite kitchen utensil?
a fork lol
49. favorite driving songs?
Gavin Degraw- I don't wanna be
50. what will you be doing tomorrow?
first day of classes yippy