thoughts on journaling

Dec 11, 2007 18:01

i wish i would've done more journaling (as in actual written journaling) as a kid. in kindergarten we did journaling focused on a theme the teacher gave us. she'd write down whatever we told her, and we'd illustrate the story. you learn a lot about yourself now and who you were by reading those journals even if they're about your favorite dinosaur (mine was a terodactyl) or about the way you looked at your family and your identity.
i started writing in a diary (i hate that word,) in middle school. it was alright but i always felt it was an act or some practiced routine i had to go through, or worse, some obligation. then in junior high it just got worst; i hate reading my writing from that time cause it's all about gossip and friends betraying each other and stupid boy drama and how depressed i was.
i didn't do too much writing in high school until i got a sketch journal with the intention of sketching but ended up writing in it (as i still do now except now i know that most of the pages are going to be used for writing.) in high school and even until recently i wrote more depressing shit even though it was disguised in vague abstract prose or something.
i want to have fun again with journaling. i want to draw dinosaurs again and write about crazy dreams that seemed real that i end up forgetting most of when i wake up and about things i want to do and about things that make me happy and little things i learn from people every day.
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