Aug 10, 2005 03:18
you know what happens at 3:18 in the morning when you've been listening to the same song by greenday over and over approximately 10 times in a row? weird things. oh and apparently you repeat yourself by saying "over and over" and then "in a row", when ALWAYS the latter is obvious when the former is true.
you also get hungry, but also have no energy to get any food. plus you cant go to bed cuz there's crap like books and clothes and cds all over your covers. and PLUS you can still hear the CICADAS outside. dont those stupid things ever sleep?
i feel like the halfway finished product of a science expiriment. (haha amber....) and now, i REALLY REALLY REALLY think im going to BED NOW CUZ I CAN'T STOP USING CAPS!!! OR EXCLAMATION POINTS. sometimes i get addicted to caps. dont ask.
done now! EVERYONE have a GREAT NIGHT!/DAY...since it is morning and you have to have a day before the night comes. wow im really done now. eheh...
......just cuz my mood says drunk doesnt not mean i [technically] am (edit: "doesnt not mean"...that was an accident, i swear)