I came across a personality test not long ago and my result made me a bit shock and feel creepy that someone can analysis me that much by a test. I have seen these kinds of test before but they don't seem logical to me. But, this one is different.
If you are interested to try, go here
https://www.16personalities.com/ It’s free!
What I got ?
I’m INTJ type.
https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality What I know before taking the test?
I’m really introverted, I’m not good dealing with people, as well as emotional topics. Most of the time, I think based on logics and reasons. I also like planning (doing is another story, yeah, I know I’m lazy), and I prefer to know everything.
What I know after taking the test?
I'm a rare species, lol. All of what I know before is my nature, and I’m proud of them including my weaknesses, lol. I even don’t notice it myself. And, I understand more why others don’t understand me sometime and kind of see another point of view. It expanded my view both how I see myself and how people see me. It is really interesting :)
It also mentions in the article that “why many fictional villains (and misunderstood heroes) are modeled on this personality type”, I laughed so hard, lol.