May 03, 2006 17:51
this is nick not jodi just to let everyone know
i dont hav a lj lol so i use hers to keep up
on all the drama
just for the record i think you all (people updateing about their friends
drinking or w/e)
what the fuck do u think is gonna get solved
by you bitching about someone
and makeing a shit ton of people
mad at that person or persons
i dont agree with any of you
im not even gonna take "sides"
cause there arnt sides
theres STUPID
and... STUPID
plain and simple
the funniest thing is
you all at 1 point did it
if u dont cool if u do cool
this is rediculus no 1 wants
to hear ur friend drama
there is somthing called a phone
or somthing called wakling up to someone
and talking to them
if u cant do that ur lame as hell
but at least write them a letter
that only u 2 can see
so it dosnt bring 40832507325 people
that shouldnt b involved in it into it
dont respond to this with any comments cause
i dont give a fuck what u hav
to say abuot it because u no its
right there is no excuse for u
not being able to go talk this over
or call someone and talk it over
if u can put it on here u can
say it to there face