so today was okay. i was woken up by the return of the roommate, banging around the apartment bc she didn't know i was there. socialized a bit with her family, washed some dishes, took out the trash, felt accomplished.
i'm short two bucks for my rent. went to the bank to fix this, and it was closed due to holiday hours. no big, i guess. i'll fix shit up on Monday, and if my rent cheque is cashed before then, well, it bounces and bye bye Christmas money. what a way to start the new year.
contrary to all this, i'm actually feeling okay! have a meme!
stolen from
minus_four ♥
Ask me a serious (or not) question about any of the following:
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. Livejournal
7. Porn
8. The Future
No matter how rude, sexual or confidential . . .
I will answer honestly.
anon is on, if you are so inclined.