here I am at a point in my life when I have to decide what to do next, because what I've been doing has not been working effectively the way I'd hoped. oh ye recession, you have ruined my plans of finding a job in Advertising in the city I love. with hiring freezes and agencies downsizing to only the essential employees, no one's got the room for lil ole suzy unless I happen to have 3-5 years experience already. I know I do not.
so guys, I have been struggling with this decision: do I love Austin or Advertising more? this is quite a difficult one for me cause, as most of you know, I was born here. I grew up here. I went to parks with my dad before they were officially parks. I've seen many a festival's conception here. I can't imagine going to a movie theatre that is not the drafthouse. or eating ice cream that's not Amy's. the city itself (beyond the important factors of friends and family) is it's own character in the story of my life. I've never felt like a big fish in a little pond. I've never wanted to live anywhere else. but with the current state of things, I can't both stay in Austin and be in Advertising.
I love Advertising. many of you reading this know how much I love it. I can't imagine not being a part of it. If I try to imagine myself doing anything else, it feels like a very office space kind of situation and I think I'd hate myself for it. Because, let's face it: I'm a workaholic. I never grew up dreaming of getting married and falling in love and having lots of kids. I dreamt about creating new and different things and the thing I love about Advertising is it hardly ever feels like work. Even when we were dying in the lab on no sleep with horrible diets wearing sunglasses cause the screens were hurting our eyes, I loved it.
I think you know where this decision is going. I'm having trouble dedicating myself to the decision but it seems pretty clear I cannot stay here.
thus I present: Plan B
Secure a job in Advertising in Dallas. If I can time it right around mid-March, then I can get an apartment with my brother, who is moving to Dallas from Seattle the same month. It would be an interesting change. He's six years older than me so as kids I was always the annoying little sister and it was uncool to hang out with me. But we've finally reached an age where the difference isn't such a big gap anymore.
Naturally, this is all dependent on the job availability in Dallas, which I am only starting to look into. so we shall see. the first step is just admitting that this is more than just a hypothetical option. it's something I really need to research and consider.
man. what a serious and boring post. more entertaining posts to come.
p.s. started a design/art blog to stick all the things I happen to make whilst playing with illustrator/photoshop.