Apr 09, 2010 11:01

Poll WHICH BBY'S JERSEY?I'm in quite a dilemma. I don't know what jersey to get. They are just soooo expensive.
So! Opions, pleeeeeeeeease? And if there is anyone better, I'd like to know! :D

poll, bojan sexy krkic, jersey

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Re: I nearly did this myself haha smileforsam April 10 2010, 00:58:39 UTC
tbh I love Argies, it's just Messi and Maradona I don't like. I just don't want Pipa interacting with hobbits and fat divas, that is all :)

Oooh me too, it's why I can't stand the away kits for Arsenal. They make me want to cry whenever I see them because they tarnish Cesc's good looks! :P That and collars. I can't stand collars on anything. Haha, You'll be saying a name like "Oguchi Onyewu" and everyone will look at you like "Woooah, this girl knows what she is talkign about!"

LOL, I have it planned out that I will marry my longtime "crush (for lack of a better word)" oooh wiat! I cant just call him "INTRIGUING LUST MONSTER I WANT IN MY BED THE REST OF MY LIFE" and that our boy will play for America, he will have dual citizenship in USA and Spain (since his father is from Spain), I will drill him everyday so that he becomes fantastic (given the boy even wants to i might want to raise him in Spain so there are now American football people to tell him otherwise) and then, Madrid will sign him and he will be the first American to play for Real Madrid :D Though...he might be the first American to play for Barcelona...or niether. Depends on how much I can win with his father seeing as his father is a Cule...stupid boy had to be born and raised in Barcelona.

I support a team from every country only because I'm that cool. But of course I support an MLS team. COLUMBUS CREW BABAY!!! CREEEEEEEW! 2008 league champions ;) Hm, I've never seen Chivas USA but any game is a lot of fun to go to. MLS may not always be fun to watch on TV, but they are a lot of fun to go to, because then, you get to stand there with a whole bunch of other people who love footy just like you. It's a nice feeling and you can't feel alone. But I mean, I guess that's only if you live in the US lol.

Haha awww, we don't have a local team, though we might get one, but it will be like second division. Most people support the Crew or Galaxy here, but other than that, we mainly support european teams.


Re: I nearly did this myself haha thestateiamin April 10 2010, 01:32:01 UTC
hahahah hobbits and fat divas so true. And my brother got mad when I called Messi "a little magic football elf" haha. omg I HATE COLLARS too this is why I love the current RM strip so much. I think being able to name anyone who's not Donovan is impressive for an euro ;)

Ahahahaha you have a fantastic plan. Actually the daughter of one of my mum's co-workers is studying in the US on a football scholarship, I'm not sure wherever it's a regular college or more specialised but apparently there was nothing like it in the UK for her, which is pretty cool. You could probably slip sly tips to Marca too about how he's a hot new thang for good luck! ahaha

Columbus Crew! On this forum I lurk on there is a hardcore crew fan so I know a little about them. There's nothing like live football I only wish I went to matches where I wasn't a steward because that kind of ruins it ahaha.
That's kind of sad but football is football and it's awesome for people to enjoy it no matter how close or far their team is!


Re: I nearly did this myself haha smileforsam April 10 2010, 02:21:25 UTC
BAHAHA. But he is! I can never call him Lionel in my mind, only because when the announcers say his name it sounds like “little” and I’m always left to think “aww how befitting is that!?!?” I LOOOOVE the one from last season, I don’t too much enjoy this new one. I mean, it’s better than most cause it doesn’t have the collar, but I don’t like how it goes around the neck like that. But the ones from last year were amazing because they dipped and had a fabulous shape to them and it is soooo comfortable. Like thisy here. I don’t feel like it’s choking me like I do with the other one. Though collars just make my feel like something is eating me alive. Hahaha, not even Dempsey or Howard? Or Holden or Altidore? They all play in the EPL :B

It won’t work out, but it’s nice to dream about. Oh, that’s really rad! It reminds me of Bend It Like Beckham and how Jules couldn’t play football in England like they were offering in the USA. I think that’s what is good about the USA we offer a stellar Women’s program and we kick ass at the W’s WC. Hahah, I probably could. And then John Carlin will be writing a book about my boy called “Red, White, and Blue Angels”.

Crew are pretty big it seems, though I don’t really know any out of the state of Ohio. LOL. I would love to work at a pitch, just so I can be there every game. The atmosphere is fantastic and I wish to one day be a part of the Nordenecke at Crew Stadium (the first stadium built solely for a soccer team :D)

I'm starting to think I need that edit button thingy...but that involves getting a paid account which I'm not sure i want to commit too...


Re: I nearly did this myself haha thestateiamin April 10 2010, 03:29:57 UTC
When I hear Lionel I think of Lionel Blair (he's a British entertainer who looks like this: which is not as funny as little hahaha.
I prefer our away kit this season, it looks more ~classy~ But I can understand the collar thing! Is that you? Does that mean I can stalk you now? >:D
Um, who? I am seriously bad with names but I completely forgot about Fulhamerica next thing you know I'll be forgetting Poland. Oh dear!

Girl's got to have dreams! It is like that though I only saw the last 30 minutes or so of it on TV haha. Apparently there were lesbians in the original draft but they wrote them out not to be stereotypical? Which is kind of sad but you can understand why. Yeah I hear good things about women's football over there, probably because you don't have a huge men's league that benefited from keeping it down for years. I always mean to get more involved in that but I haven't, one day I will get around to watching more women's football! hahaha “Red, White, and Blue Angels” brilliant, though they could be mistaken for British ;)

I'm sure you probably have less problematic fans at MLS games, I work the Away stands and if anyone is badly behaved at a football match it is Away fans hahaha. But the pay's not bad and sometimes I get to watch fussball so I should not whine! The atmosphere on a full turnout is great too!

I've had a paid account on-off for a while now, it's useful but it's not essential. I sometimes forget that the edit button isn't actually there on free accounts WHOOPS hahaha.


Re: I nearly did this myself haha smileforsam April 10 2010, 18:13:22 UTC
BAHHAHA I LOVE THAT! He lookes so creepy! I don't really know any other Lionel's except Lionel Richie xD
I LOVE THE AWAY KIT SFM!!!! Like, honestly, it's the best thing ever. It looks so good on EVERYONE. I mean, no offense bbys, but white doesn't look good on all of you (though they can pull it off better than puyol ever can). That and they never like to stay down, so I'm always messing with them and they make people look boxy and ridiculous. Collar-less looks more sleek and somehow, professional. And naaah that aint''s so random girl :P Lol, yes, it is I, lol. And stalk away! I never mind showing people what I look like, that way they don't sit there thinking they are talking to Angelina Jolie or anything lol
Tim Howard= goalkeeper for Everton Clint Dempsey= striker thingy for FUlhaaaaam Stuart Holden= plays for Bolton and Jozy Altidore= plays for...Wolver Hampton? Maybe O.o I don't remember at the moment.

Oh really!?? I know they had it hinted by the mother but wowww. Lol and stereotyping, really? That is sooo weird,I've never heard that before. Here, it's natural that all the girls are straight, it's softball where they are all called lesbians xD Yeah, without the men's league having so much respect from people, the women don't have little andrei arshavins telling them "WOMEN SHOULD NOT FUCKING PLAY! GO CLEAN BATHROOM WIFE THEN GET NAKED SO I CAN SCREW YOU" lol I can't get into women's sports though, I don't find it as intense. I'm sort of a woman-hater when it comes to athletics. HAHAHAH yeah right, everyone will relate it to America...hopefully xD

Mm, not really. There are still a lot of fights and what not. The game I went to back in September wasn't too packed but the people there were INSANE O.O

LOL, I'd really just want it for the more icons *greedy* I'm constantly switching out mine because i have so many that I love, lol


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