15.4" bright widescreen
amd turion 64x2 1.6 gig dual processor
1024 mg memory
120 gb hardrive
geforce video card
multi 8x dvdr/rw drive with dual layer support and light scribing
cost grandma 1500 bucks and it's about time i finally got something worth something to me.
weltys party on friday was great and life has been slowly getting better
i've been trying my hardest at school and am suceeding at doing so. still keepin my nose pretty clean with the drugs. the end
i have realized this week that there are a couple of people that maybei give too much to. my personality of caring and helping others gets too out of control and i think i can honestly say if i were to be in some of their positions, i wouldnt receive the help i give them. i dont think i'd get any help/guidance from them even though im constantly trying. just a tid bit for me to write down.