Nov 26, 2007 03:51
I think somehow...everyone and everything is connected. It's really strange. Tonight, I had this energy about me. I was thinking about this summer, and all my friends from the summer. I was thinking about Leo and Paul and Tanya a lot tonight. And I saw Kristi. It's really strange. And maybe it sounds absolutely ridiculous. But, I don't know, I heard from all of them tonight, and I haven't talked to any of them for quite a while, so it's strange they all contacted me via internet. I feel like, somehow, we are all connected... even if we don't know it. And sometimes, rare moments, the people you are thinking about are thinking about you at the same time and in that time frame, there is a connection between you and that person and it's part of the universe and you can't see it but it's there. I'm pretty sure this is something I am coming up with and trying to's 4am and I don't really know what I'm trying to say. I just think it's strange that all evening I felt so connected with these people, and disconnected at the same time. It wasn't really that. It was more of an energy I felt. Just thinking about all these people who have influenced me in so many ways, and I felt really sad. Let down. Because I haven't talked to them for a while. But they all contacted me tonight in various ways. Which is strange. So, maybe it's just a coincidence. Or maybe my crazy talk at 4am is right and everyone in the universe is connected and we feel energy from one another we just don't know it and weird things like that happen because we can feel each others' energy. I prefer the second idea.