Aug 22, 2009 05:35
I shall formally declare, I totally dislike, and I mean to the point of hatred, FRIDAYS. Last few semesters, Fridays are the best, cos' it's my damn wonderful free day cum long weekend. Now? HAHA. No way. The two most horrible lectures fall on this day, I end at 6pm, and it's the day when I will feel useless and stupid. So, I will definitely try to make my Fridays more interesting. We'll see.
Last Friday, was not that bad, since everything was just starting. Warming up. However, today, it was a torturous day. I totally SHUT OFF from everything. Whatever they said was just BLAH BLAH BLAH. Don't ask me why I'm physically there and wasting time. Not only that two lectures are killing me, there's another one. Two more days before Withdrawal takes effect.
Waited for the rest to finish their dodgeball initially. Then we self entertained ourselves in com1, with totally nothing to do. I tried doing some self-study, but failed, due to the whole rocky, restless afternoon. I'm always distracted anyway. Never for once my attention span last for more than 1 hour and neither do my concentration. Then, I tried to self-entertain. Didn't expect that to last 3 to 4 hours when I could be at home, resting, watching TV. Instead, went for another movie. My 3rd movie this week.
I was hoping to watch Orphan, but there's only 8 seats when we have 9 people. So we chose District 9 instead. I totally have no idea what's going on throughout the whole movie. When it was documentary style, I was kinda turned off. Then as the movie goes, I felt giddy and nauseous. I'm seated like, second row from the front, with the huge movie screen in front of me, PLUS, the camera kept shaking when it's filming. So, raise your head up, trying to be wide-eyed yet tired, endure the whole shakiness. Result of it? Headache and it felt as if whole stomach overturned. So after an hour into the movie, I closed my eye. That's when I was not concentrating at all. Couldn't find a nice position for myelf as the person on my left is a stranger, so I could not sit anyohow as I like. So when it all ended, I don't know what happened in the movie.
Driving is supposed to be a convenience, but it's always tiring to do so. Even when I have the whole expressway to myself. It's still scary driving along a road so unfamiliar. Moreover, my night vision is like getting bad to worse, not to mention, with the haze in Singapore. People getting sick, people getting tempermental. Why are things so complicated at times.
Okay. It's just me. Was never a fan of some science fiction or aliens movie. Like Signs. -.-
I guess. I need booze. I need sleep. I need food. I need partay. I need laughters.
it's not sweet today! :( And won't be for any Fridays. I H.A.T.E Fridays! zzz