Jul 28, 2009 15:06
A quick update as requested by some of you. (:
A wallet have been given by my parents.
Bag for school purposes are being searched by my friends. However, there's no guarantee whether they can find nice ones, if not it would be to their own discretion. However, I would love a new bag for school!
Other alternatives you can explore.
- Watches! Casual kind or metallic demure kind. For casual, I like big faced ones! =D
- Adidas jacket, Ladies cut.
- Or anything you can think of! It's the thought that counts. Do note, I prefer useful things! (:
Of course, if there isn't other option or really at lost, you can contribute to my money fund! I do the shopping myself and whatever I get, is the present from you! There are somethings which I might want yet you might not know the design or whether it might suit me.
Oh. Anyway, if you want to get any of the items above, do let me know. In case got clash ya. (: