Jul 06, 2009 03:26
A super tiring day! Had a lack of sleep, which I don't even know why! Couldn't sleep the previous night, for God knows what reason. So I decided to wake up late today. After waking up, had a late lunch then I got to make my way out. It's was not so bad to drive to the East, since it's became like a routine, with the sky being just a little dark, due to the bad weather today. Had problems finding a carpark lot in that narrow narrow carpark. After turning several rounds, managed to get one on the 6th floor! How high is that!
Unknowingly, after having dinner, there is a heavy downpour! So I had to drive them back and while exiting the carpark, an accident happened right before me. I suddenly saw a motorbike hit into a car which is turning right, supposedly into the entrance of the carpark. What caught my attention was the sudden loud bang and the motorists and his companion jumped off the bike. Totally shocked, but I still had to carry on with my journey. This time, my full attention was on the road. It is extremely difficult at that period! With the rain, the dim street lights, I had to practically lean forward and keep checking mirrors to ensure everything is okay. Lane markings could hardly be seen too. Well, perhaps, all along my night vision isn't that perfect to begin with. Since it was still early, I thought could head down to the cinema to catch a movie. Who knows! It's the same 2 movies screening when I went with the mno peeps. Insane! Don't the cinemas have other movies to screen?! Offer me some other alternatives?! Looking at that 2 movies, basically, turns me off immediately. There are other movies which I haven't caught but cinemas are telling me, "Please watch those movies in the day at some other timing." What to do but to accomodate the cinemas right? Whatever. Shall watch those on vcds, maybe.
So there goes the movie idea. What's next. Last alternative. Coming home and watch tv! Then, I start getting flashbacks when I saw certain things on the Net. Oh well. Let's just say, I miss those days.
More than a week has passed. His songs have been playing since. His life have been showing on television since. And, I've been watching since. Songs I haven't hear for a long time, songs which I never even hear before, songs which I've sung for a million times. His dance moves, never fails to amaze me each and every single time. I really do hope, he's leading a better life somewhere, a much happier one. And I'm sure, he lives within us. The memories and what he has given to us all.
You are not alone....