a non-procrastination update

Jun 04, 2005 00:31

that doesn't mean I don't have a shitload of work.. I always do. I'm just ignoring it until tomorrow!

this week was kind of fun, except tonight (we'll get to that later).

starting with Tuesday.. SUN!!!! after being plunged into darkness (greyness) for three weeks straight, the sun perked me right up =) warmth! being dry outside! yes! yes! YESS! it was amazing!

Tuesday night was Tonedeaf, which me and Sar very randomly attended. we chillizled with Mario and Dan and saw some good muzak (Lightening Rad was awesome) including Auyon's band, Audity, who I haven't seen since their first gig almost two years ago. I love them <3. haha it was heartbreaking because there were effing tech difficulties! but they played wickedly and I was super impressed. haha I also randomly introduced feel_the_song which was pretty random but awesome :)

on Wednesday night I had a dance rehearsal, but I ended up skipping it because I had to do homework. apparently Phyllis is PISSED AS EFF but sadly, school is a gazillion times more important than dance.

Thursday was Parlee's birthday and one of the awesomest days I've had in awhile! I actually got up with more than 20 minutes to get ready and wore a skirt (SHOCK) and a halter top (DOUBLE SHOCK). I wrote a Romeo and Juliet quiz first thing which was super easy, and I love Shakespeare anyway (out comes the English geek).
then we had a pep rally (missing Chem in the process) which wasn't the best one we've ever had.. but.. I MISSED CHEM! I won an effing award for being a math geek. hm, good idea, let's parade all the geekoids around in front of 1100 people! ahaha my friends cheered for me though and I love them for it.
after that BJ came by to pick up Parlee for a birthday lunch, taking me with them in the process, so we kidnapped Julia, stuffed her in the trunk (or the backseat), and drove off.. ahha, we went to Julia's to unplug her iron, and then to Laura's to get lip gloss, and then realized we weren't QUITE sure what time class was supposed to start at because of the pep rally, so.. we just skipped the next class :S we went to the mall and got bagels and etc.
my last class was physics, and I had a probe, which I resent Mr. Brown for :|
on the way home, me Ang and her boyfriend Jamie passed a lemonade stand run by these liddle adorable girls, and the heat was unbearable so we grabbed some and it was amazing :)

Thursday night was the blowout, which was also much fun. Courtney, Ismay and I ran the dunk tank for awhile.. which was okay.. MacKinnnon was getting PISSED at us and Aucoin just basically skipped his entire shift, and I spent an awful lot of time running around looking for teachers. whatever.. after that me, Parlee, Jill and BJ chillizled. bouncy rides and stuff :) I made cotton candy! BJ blew sticky bubbles in my face, spit snocone in my hair and got snocone syrup all over my arms .. I hated him for it :|

I ended up going to sleep at two after finishing all my homework :(

today was peachy keen I guess, tanned a little at lunch haha :) it was sooo hot! in English Nicoll gave in and let us go outside, only cause she couldn't handle the heat heh :) in Mead's class we had a test, and he let us use our notes because it as hot as eff and it was the last test he's ever giving haha!

I went to my tutor's after school, and randomly met up with BJ after for like five seconds? aha

we went to Mike's for Parlee's birthday ... which, if anyone actually reads this thing and recalls, is where I was supposed to see Andrew. did he come? no. did he call to tell us this? no. was I angry? fucking livid. I got it out of my system when I got home by spazzing in an email to Mario but FRIG was I mad :@ and other people were increasing the irritation :| the dinner itself was fun, me & BJ went to superstore and got her a cake and covered it in 32 candles and sprinkles and etc! it was cuteee. I'm going to miss her SO, SO MUCH when she moves away forever. just over two weeks left. sigh

I bought the most adorable little ballet flats from Le Chateau after Alyssa told me too, haha they make me happy, they're bright blueee

when I came home I had an epiphany and realized I HAVE TO START STUDYING.
did I study? nope :)

anywayzle, dance rehearsal tomorrow :|, I suspect certain siblings of certain exes posessing certain dick-like qualities may be present, but as long as I pretend I don't know who she iss everything will be fineee

ellen, your boyfriend is the nicest person ever, hes responsible for me being sane right now :|

anyway, I guess I'm gonna go to bed so I can get up and !!STUDY!! for happy bunnies.. haha yeah right :)
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