yeah so i saw bright eyes on friday. willi mason and sons and daughters opened for them.
i didnt like sons and daughters so much they sounded kinda pathetic like a crappy garage band. the lead singer was drunk off her ass. she couldnt stand still she was stumbling every where i was waiting for her to fall and nock over the drum set but she never did :(. (she is the one in the blue dress)
i enjoyed willy mason. he had this blue grass thing going on. he sounded best when he played without his cousins. one of cousins played the mandilin while the other played the acustic bass.
bright eyes was good i enjoyed them. after the show i told ben that my havorite part was when conor started screaming during the last minut of the last song. and ben was like like yeah that is what they usually sound like but conor was too drunk to scream so he just sang. ben was upset the next day that he didnt cry at the show.
i was waiting in line to get my shirt and i told miles how i had only heard one bright eyes song and like half people in the room turned around and looked at but then most of the people who looked at me smiled bc i was wearing a shirt that says i <3 emos that i had made after school that day. :).