Dear Yuletide Author 2016

Oct 09, 2016 20:36

Dear Yuletide Author,

Thank you so much for writing for me! I adore all the fandoms and characters I've chosen so I'm sure I'll love whatever you create. If you'd like some general, completely optional guidelines for what I usually like/dislike in stories and potential prompts, please see below! Or if you have something already in mind, go for it!

Likes: Canon-divergence AUs, AUs, crossovers, happy or hopeful endings, humor, hurt/comfort, teams/friends being dysfunctionally functional, courting, ensemble cast, competence, crime solving

Dislikes: Dark fic, character death, explicit sex, underage, infidelity

Turn (TV 2014): Ben Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster

The tiny Revolutionary War show of my heart. There is some ridiculous drama in Turn but it has so many things that I love: revolution! spies! secret codes and ciphers! (not always accurate) history! and of course a tight-knit group of childhood friends of whom Ben and Caleb are my favorite. I ship them but I would be 100% pleased with gen as well. I just want to see more of them being awesome together and having each other's backs. ("No one punches my friend but me.") I love the rest of the Culper ring too if you want to include any of them.

Some prompts: How did Caleb get himself assigned to Captain Tallmadge for special detail? What other cool spy stuff do they find in Sackett's workshop and what kind of missions do they use it for? For a show about a spy ring, I need more spy hijinks.

Or AU! Modern AU. Arranged marriage AU. IN SPACE AU. Captain America AU. (I can 100% see Ben as Steve and Caleb as Bucky.) I love all kinds of AUs if you're so inclined.

Miss Marple - Agatha Christie: Any (Jane Marple, Dolly Bantry, Henry Clithering, Jason Rafiel)

Miss Marple ♥ I love Miss Marple and her flair for justice, her china blue eyes and her knitting and her unobtrusive old lady guise hiding her razor-sharp Victorian mind. I got some wonderful fic for Yuletide a few years back but I will always, always want more. I can re-read these books over and over and never tire of them.

I assume most people are here for Miss Marple herself, but I requested Any because I love all the characters in the tag set. I particularly love how they all recognize and respect Miss Marple's brilliance although if you want to write for any of them separately, I am absolutely here for that. Give me Dolly Bantry managing her husband and her garden (in that order, because of tact). Give me Sir Henry Clithering in his heyday solving crimes for Scotland Yard. Give me Jason Rafiel amassing his fortune. Mix them up in whatever grouping you like.

If you want to focus on only Miss Marple, that is A+ too. I'd love to see her solving any type of crime, from murder to the mundane. Schooling the police on a high profile murder case or just helping her neighbors with little things like who's been stealing their newspaper off the stoop or why their daffodils won't bloom. Or take me back to Miss Marple's younger years. Did she still spend most of her time gardening and observing or did she have Adventures? Or combine! Maybe there was a crime in St. Mary Mead 30 years ago that she could never quite solve but then in present day her neighbor's silver carafe is stolen and bam the answer becomes obvious. Or tell me wtf happened to the gill of pickled shrimp that was so very revealing of human nature? Who cut the meshs of Mrs. Jones' string bag?? I can't believe no one at that party called her out on telling these stories. I would love to hear them.

The Chosen - Chaim Potok: Reuven Malter, Danny Saunders

The Chosen shows up in the tag set every couple years and I am always like YES, GIVE IT TO ME. This has been my favorite book since high school. I love Reuven and Danny's unconventional yet amazing friendship, how Reuven is fantastic at math and Danny is fantastic at everything except math and they balance each other. I love how spare the writing feels, how even though there isn't much action, action, action propelling the story along I can sit down and read the book straight through without even realizing it because I want to see where the characters go. I don't really have good prompts for this one but I would sincerely love anything with these two BFFs. Slice of life, studying Talmud, college/future fic (whether it matches to the future written in The Promise or not), anything.

Again, thanks for writing for me :) Have fun! Don't stress! I'm sure I'll love whatever you're inspired to write!


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