Yuletide 2014!

Oct 22, 2014 23:26

Dear Yuletide Author,

Thank you so much for writing for me! I adore all the fandoms and characters I've chosen so I'm sure I'll love whatever you create. If you'd like some general, completely optional guidelines for what I usually like/dislike in stories and potential prompts, please see below! Or if you have something already in mind, go for it!

Likes: Canon-divergence AUs, crossovers, happy or hopeful endings, humor, hurt/comfort, teams/friends being dysfunctionally functional, ensemble cast, competence, crime solving

Dislikes: Dark fic, character death, explicit sex, infidelity

Lunar Chronicles - Marissa Meyer: Carswell Thorne, Crescent Moon "Cress" Darnel

[I really enjoy the kind of Tangled-inspired flippant, cynical thief meets earnest, isolated princess romance between Thorne and Cress. Would love to see more of their current journey as we await the next book or any kind of canon-divergence AU!]

I enjoyed Cinder and then I really enjoyed Scarlet and then I loved Cress. I like Cress' hacker brilliance and how even though she was isolated and trapped on the satellite, she found ways to use technology to reach out and learn about the world and make her own alliances. I like Thorne, who is constantly facetious but is serious about keeping Cress safe. And I love them together. Give me more of their misunderstandings and UST! Does Cress lead Thorne around the ship by the hand until he gets his eyesight back? Does Thorne pretend his sight isn't back yet so she doesn't stop? Maybe he teaches her some self-defense since they're going to start a revolution and all.

Or maybe an AU? Cress contacts the Rampion before Cinder and she and Thorne become epic space pirates! Or shells aren't exiled and Cress grows up on Luna with her overprotective father who is not best pleased when an Earthen crash-lands his ship in their backyard.

Mulan (1998): Fa Mulan, Li Shang

[Mulan and Shang post movie. Maybe Grandma trying to encourage romance in ways that make Mulan facepalm.]

YOU DON'T MEET A GIRL LIKE THAT EVERY DYNASTY. Oh, Mulan. One of my very favorite movies. I would love anything with these two. Maybe right where the movie left off, they have mildly awkward family dinner and Grandma tries to ensure that Shang stays forever but really he doesn't need much convincing. I've always been interested in the bits of Mulan's family backstory we're given - "My father has already fought for China." "Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?" Does the fact that her father was also a famous warrior make Shang even more tongue-tied? Or maybe in the future Mulan takes that job as a counselor to the Emperor or there's another pending invasion and she and Shang suit up and go save China (again).

The Road to El Dorado (2000): Miguel, Tulio

[Give me anything about Miguel and Tulio and their epic friendship! Would love to see how they met or their cons pre-El Dorado (you gave me loaded dice?) or what happens with them and Chel after the end.]

Tulio and Miguel, Miguel and Tulio, mighty and powerful gods. I love this movie so much. Effervescent, free-spirited Miguel and long-suffering, practical Tulio and their epic, epic friendship. ♥ How long have they known each other and how did they meet? What got them on that Wanted poster? Did Tulio have a brilliant, precise plan for stealing gold from the Spanish treasury but Miguel was distracted at a crucial point by a box of kittens and they ended up chased through the streets by guards?

I only requested for Miguel and Tulio but I love Chel too so feel free to include her! What happens with all of them after the movie? Do they make it back to Spain and live like kings off whatever gold they can scavenge from the cave in? Do they ever go back to El Dorado? So much potential!

Again, thanks for writing for me :) Have fun! Don't stress! I'm sure I'll love whatever you're inspired to write!


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