an amazing weekend =]

Sep 11, 2005 21:03

ahh! this weekend was amazing =] more fun than usual then the dance which was awesomer than usual [alec i hope you liked your first real dance : ) are sooooo cool and im sorry about them haha]
after that went to the troy high game with mallory and kelsey then met up with anna chucky veronica and saw like a ton of people like allison and steph haha that was so much fun and then like chad and jessica and LESLIE! havent seen her in a while oh my she is awesome =] and many more people like whitney and amanda and adie and missy and amber and people i didnt really talk to..oh I SAW DAN lol yupp cool and i saw cara and erica =] they are some awesome 7th graders!

ok then on saturday anna and kelli and robbie and lee all slept over and it was fun..we were like outside all night haha we were in the street playin on the wakeboard and the skateboard like we got some awesome wheels =] eric pushed me too fast and i cut my knuckles on the ground =[ yeah then lee hung my troll from yarn  and pulled down the trolls pants..hes still up hah YOU CANT SAY WHATEVER TO ME CUZ YOURE MY BEST FRIEND I LOVE YOU it was funny you had to be there

worked on my myspace a lot lately its pretty awesome check it out
then today went to mallorys =] so much fun but your brother scared me when i first got there mallory madeline vs brad chad chris and chucky in capture the we just like stopped playing i dont know if mallory ever got her shoe back =P but then brad and chad left so we were like just playing with the tennis ball and stuff..yup good times

the only bad thing that happened to me this weekend was getting stung by a bee at mallorys..cuz we were like laying on the grass =] but mallory saved my leg by squeezing the stuff out lol thank you mal mal =] youre so kind!

wow long entry this shows how awesome my 8th grade year is starting out! lol =]
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