Today a bunch of us were sitting at at table in the cafeteria talking about random shit. We somehow got on the topic of being followed while in a car. So I satarted to tell my story of when I was in the car with Cliff and my friend Chris interuprted me and went "yeah I kinda followed someone one night". So he starts talking about it and next thing you know, I flashback.
It was like 3am on a random day in May. On our way back to Spents house, us girls decided to get some dinner, so we went to Taco Bell. Next thing you know we are waiting in the drive thru line, and the guys in front of us start WOOing. So Heather being as tired as she was and just plain being herself decided to reciprocate the woo. Then there was like this WOOing party in the Taco Bell line at 3 in the morning. Then these guys who were in front of us decided to stop in the parking lot. Next thing you know they aer behind us.
Here I am freaking out cause we are being followed by these weird guys, really late at night. The finally turned another direction and I was relieved.
Well it turns out that it was my friend weird...months earlier having a weird ecounter...meeting that person...than finding THIS out...
I am never driving the beast out that late at night EVER again, its leads to weird shit like this...too funny!