Originality-as well as acting on impulse-would be considered strengths concerning certain individuals.
I suppose I should be grateful you were unable to procure a heart. I would ask if you were prepared for Tanabata, however I believe I have already heard your wish.
Suzumiya Haruhi is also original concerning ideas of her own, as well as acting on impulse. She wasn't who I was referring to at this particular time.
The Digitamas themselves are evidence enough to support my thoughts on your wish. You informed me of it during our last conversation...despite your feelings of love toward me, your desire to kill me blinds you to the possibilities of a potential relationship.
Replace desire with wish, and that is what you would write down on a Tanabata in two days from now-if you had the time for it.
(Attachment received.)
They were Piyomon~.
Quite the idea to symbolize what you said during our previous conversation, Asakura Ryoko.
That and finding a human heart would have taken even longer.
I suppose I should be grateful you were unable to procure a heart. I would ask if you were prepared for Tanabata, however I believe I have already heard your wish.
Hm, I don't have time for it but... Do tell me, what do you think I wished for?
The Digitamas themselves are evidence enough to support my thoughts on your wish. You informed me of it during our last conversation...despite your feelings of love toward me, your desire to kill me blinds you to the possibilities of a potential relationship.
Replace desire with wish, and that is what you would write down on a Tanabata in two days from now-if you had the time for it.
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