So, since I posted something JE related, I thought I'd write something about Hello! Project too, or more specifically the recent big events: the graduation of Arihara Kanna and Umeda Erika from C-ute and H!P.
To be honest, I wasn't really surprised when it was announced Kanna wouldn't be returning a few weeks ago. She'd been out with that injury for WAY too long. The question is, was there another reason besides her injury and wanting to live a "normal" life? I think it's quite possible. It's awfully strange that she would just leave without any kind of graduation or anything, even given the circumstances, unless she was leaving on bad terms. The fact that Erika IS getting a graduation ceremony (a first for C-ute, since Megumi didn't get one either), and that an actual reason other than "wanting to live a normal life" or whatever the typical thing is, makes me even more suspicious.
Which brings me to the next topic: the announcement today (or technically yesterday, since for me it's around 1:30 AM) that Umeda Erika would be graduating from C-ute and H!P on the last day of their tour (October 25th - why is it always October? Maiha and Megumi left in October too) to pursue a career in modeling. THAT surprised me, as I wasn't expecting another graduation from C-ute in the near future, let alone within a month of Kanna leaving. It makes sense though...C-ute has pretty much become Airi and Maimi plus back up dancers. Erika's talent was being wasted in the group, and especially her being the oldest member of C-ute/H!P kids, I don't blame her for wanting to make a name for herself elsewhere. Still, it's sad to see both of them go.
This makes me wonder what exactly the future holds for C-ute. Will they continue as a five member group, or did Kanna leaving set a chain of graduations in motion (because I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Chisato or even Mai and Saki going next)? Or will a few eggs be added to increase the numbers? I actually wouldn't mind this, depending on who they add, because I think there are a few eggs that have fantastic voices and really need to debut in a major group. Like those three that are in the new Mini Moni with LinLin. I suppose only time will tell. I'm curious what the music will be like now though...I haven't liked any of their stuff much since Forever Love (Kanna's last single - whether it's coincidence or related to her leaving, I don't know), so I wonder if it will improve or if Erika leaving will make it worse?
It also makes me wonder about the fate of Hello! Project as a whole. I mean, after the mass Elder Club graduation, I wasn't really expecting any graduations for awhile, at least not from any of the three major groups. They need as many members as they can get, I think. So two people leaving C-ute so suddenly is shocking. I'm hoping that no one in Berryz or Momusu has any plans to leave...I like their line-ups as they are, and I'd definitely be opposed to anyone leaving (or joining, but I suppose it's bound to happen eventually with Momusu). I'm also curious about these newly-revived sub-groups. It seems like the move was solely for CD/concert purposes, but it would be cool if they actually released singles. I'm especially liking the new Mini Moni, since I love LinLin and those eggs are really good. The new V-u-den too, but only because Sayumi is in it. I'd like to see the new ZYX with a more upbeat song than they got on the CD too.
Wow that was long! I never write things like this, so it was fun to get some of my thoughts typed out. I think I'll keep doing this. ^_^