wasteoftrash l3rok3n near_miss datura333 836958 Those people need votes. We have our auto accepted 10. =)
Now, onto the co-mod stuff. A lot of you want to do it. So, fill this app out and post it as a comment on this entry. I will pick a mod by Friday night because I'm leaving Saturday for a trip.
Can you do graphics-
Why do you want to be a co-mod-
Show me one of your graphics-
=) Good luck to all of you.
liedandtried humored us with the Bush countdown, I loved it. =0) I can't wait until he's out!
We after we are done voting and getting a co-mod, we need to start some theme's. But what? Got ideas, post them as a comment on this entry.
Well, I'm off. Good bye my lovelys.
ps-check out the user info...it's some what updated.