Oct 16, 2004 14:15
Things r gettin better. Confirmation meetin it was so great/ really akward to see everyone again. Omg that school is so different. Fun, with Ms Britt ha ha Im so luckey I win the keep ur clothes on magnet lol. Ahh, the Graduation video is so sad Mueller is in it, and that was the lasat time that Everyone was together at that school, besides the fact that we look really really bored. Omg Starbucks was really fun after Freshman Wrkshop day. Sry I was such a spaz, having to use the Bike phone and Liz buying a 4 dollar less than a fist size cake. Walkathon was a blast too, I had such a good time. Progress reports are comin out I pray I dont get1, especially from math cuz I have a C. O geez Chorus lol. Everyone saying it was great. Sign language day by day by day by day. I hope we dont get in troubke next time. Well as I told sum people on Friday I got my hair cut to my chin, it doesent look that bad. Yesterday , I had a really creepy dream about some sort of movie theater at the collage of South Carolina and people on uniforms and curly haired girls from my past and blue uniforms. Neway got dance 2day. TTyl-Megaan " Ridicalus Ridicalus" is the word of the week.