Jul 15, 2005 22:42
Welll I think an update is need because today when I checked 3 people updated and updates excite me and while my update may not excite anyone and there is a slight possibility that nobody even reads this I though I might as well update. Well this week was VBS which was a jolly good time especially cuz I was in a homeroom with mo and sam and we always had visitors coming however if I never hear the phrase”JP is Evil” again I will be quite happy. So basically I have all my service hours done already which I think is super sweet. Today I was supposed to frolick with kelsi to work on the list but had to set up tents for the party and it never happened …next week hopefully J.. Anyways another week where I stayed home and did nothing however this week fell kind of iffy cuz I kept seeing all these away messages about people being out and I nvr no if im ivited to anything or when anything is so that leaves me at home super confused but I blame myself. I relize I hate my LJ I don’t want to delete it but all I do is complain about my like and its soo ridiculus because every entry is the same I think…Tommorow I should be doing something different than what I am I could be leaving for an amazing time..with those awesome people….if only-*nite megan