Dec 09, 2006 23:37
Its kinda crazy.
It comes at you fast.
You have the good days and the bad days but everyday is apart of your life.
No matter what you do or how you plan whatever happens was ment to happen.
Life is good.
Life is relaxing.
Life is hard.
Life is what you choose it to be.
Life is the choices and decisions you make, weather right or wrong.
Life shouldn't be regreted.
Your life is your life if you like it or not.
If you dont like it then go ahead and change it.
And if you can't change it change how you percieve it.
Life was never ment to be easy.
People will let you down.
You will let you down.
It is all part of life.
Isn't is a funny idea.
You only have one life.
It could be over tomorrow.
So why the hell would you want to waste your life?
Be good to your life.
Hold you life close to you and dont let anyone or anything take it away from you.
Love your life.
People's lives get cut short everyday.
Their hopes and their dreams are lost and there is nothing they can do about it.
You can do something about your life.
You can do something with you life.
You need your life.
Your life needs you.
Live your life.