Haha another funny spam. (Updated)

May 04, 2007 19:31

Today, I got this message in my inbox:


Нужна работа?

Мы предлагаем работу!


Главные бухгалтеры
с опытом работы не менее трех лет
на полную занятость в аутсорсинговую компанию.
Офис: станция метро Каховская или Профсоюзная.
Возрастные ограничения: 20 - 40 лет.
Знание программы «1С:Бухгалтерия 7.7»

Заработная плата до 60000 рублей и выше
(по итогам работы).

Имеется возможность совместительства
(по вечерам и в выходные дни). Работа в офисе.


And I decided to reply with this:


Dear Comrade,

I appreciate the correspondence, but I am afraid I don't speak a lick of Russian.


Zombie Lenin


Come to think of it, I should have run it through a translator. In fact, I think I'll do so now. Probably just spam for Cialis or penny stocks, though.


The translated text reads as follows:


Is necessary work? We propose work! (ya9shch)shch0ya`8y_shch" Chief accountants with the work experience not are less than three years to the full employment into the autsorsingovuyu company. Office: the station of the metro is Kakhovka or is trade-union. The age limits: 20 - 40 years. The knowledge of the program of "yS:Bukhgalteriya 7.7" is compulsory. Wages to 60000 rubles is above (on the sums of work). There is a possibility of pluralism (in the evenings, also, during the weekends). Work in the office.
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