well my first entry, lets get to the heart of it.

Jul 08, 2004 20:59

17, gay, male.. that's really the sum up of my biography.

This morning I began my usual routine of falling in and out of sleep (known to some as waking up) it's in these small spaces of time that I realise what i'd been dreaming about and whether I enjoyed it and whether i should fall asleep again to revisit my dormant narnia.. today was a bit strange though.. being a fairly high testosterone clad teenager, the dreams that don't involve sex in some way are long gone and last night was no exception. The only thing that was different this time compared to all others was the fact that to the best of my knowledge, i'd never seen the guy i was shagging before in my entire life.. aged about 16/17 this tanned thin lad had wound his way into MY dreams replacing whichever porn-star or ex-boyfriend is usually there.

Later in the day after fully waking up and pondering what i'd seen for a couple of hours, the answer to who the mystery man was came to me. on my way to my car yesterday i saw this guy who dressed quite smart was walking towards me, our eyes met and were fixated on each other for around 10 seconds, then i had to turn the corner whilst he carried on past.. i spent most of this morning near chanting to my friend vicky that i needed to find him.. but more importantly is what i experienced a subconscious love at first sight? the result of one two many drinks? or just a misunderstanding on the part of my body?

please give some advice everyone, everything helps :-)
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