Jun 11, 2005 22:32
It's been a couple of months since I last journaled. You won't be surprised to read that I forgot my password and it's taken me this long to get it sent to me. You may ask yourself, "Why didn't she just ask for it to be sent to her email address?" The answer would be yes, several times I did. Embarrassingly, however, I forgot to hit the send/receive button on my email account and it never came to me. Like usual, I just kinda forgot that step. Tonight, however, I remembered and viola, it was downloaded to me.
You may think with this big of an introduction I have great news to report. Gotcha! No really big news right now. Family is doing well, including little, 5:00 a.m.-obnoxious Fritzie. Thought he might be getting sick a couple of weeks ago, but I figured out I was giving him too much food. Funny how too much food can make somebody sick...Lesson I should take to heart.
Missing Lizzie a ton because she's in Mt P. Very proud of her though, for her diligence in attending class everyday in this awful heat. Proud of her because in the face of adversity she can still hold her head high. Proud of her because as she learns about friends and loved ones, loved and lost, she grows into an even more compasionate, strong woman. Lessons I should take to heart.
Angela is just amazing. She's such a go-getter. She says, "Mom, go! and, I get it!" Just kidding. She's a senior now. Involved in tons of things and ready to take on the world. I'm proud of her because she takes no guff from anyone. Proud of her because she speaks her mind. Proud of her because she is fearless. Lessons I should take to heart.
Bill is Bill. Hardworking, dependable, and lovable. Lessons I should take to heart.
Point being...I still have many lessons to learn. So thankful I have people around me that let me make mistakes and learn from them. That is, if I can remember what I did wrong. Dang, the memory is going too.
Well, just wanted to let you know I hadn't fallen off the end of the earth. I've just been learning some lessons that are good for my heart.