When The World and I Were Young...Just Yesterday...

Nov 18, 2016 16:00

Wow. I'd forgotten all about Live Journal (until someone from some other country--Brazil?--got into it). Heaven knows why. Maybe they enjoy reading about ho-hum lives? But onward. Life Update:

* Still working at the library part-time.
* Had an appendectomy earlier this year (May)
* Can no longer afford my overpriced insurance--waving goodbye to it.
* Enjoying yet another surge of renewed interest in The Monkees (Peter & Micky currently touring--Mike did a show or two with them.)
* Current interests include a lot of the old favorites: R.E.M., The Monkees, X-Files, MST3K, Gilmore Girls (that's about to have a revival on Netflix), spending too much time on the internet with a cranky old computer and bad,overpriced internet service...favorite sites include: Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest.
* New recent favorites - Bob's Burgers
* Still reading a lot. Recently finished the 1300-plus page book, Pocahontas. *whew* Currently reading a series set during the Depression.

Let's have a nice photo here.

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