Jan 26, 2009 11:13
When Band camp started this past summer I was nervous about the two new section leaders. (Haha, yes get out all your "This one time at Band Camp" jokes now, but believe me when I say that I've heard them all... numerous times, and none of them are that funny, and realistically, every band kids has "This one time at Band Camp ..." stories and they are bizzarre and often times gross but I can almost guartentee that they are nothing like the American Pie Movies). I was plesantly suprised when Clara stepped and actually did a good job as section leader. She had a real laidback style and that might not have worked for everybody but it worked for most of the section.
The other section leader however, did not work out. All the upper classmen really rather hated her and it's not simply a case of jealousy at being passed by in favor of a lower classmen (because there were only four older classmen and I know for a fact that none of them cared that she was younger) but she pissed off EVERYBODY. And one day, admittedly I was irritated by other things and just in a bad mood and snapped at her. Which is an oddity for me, I don't generally snap at people. But it had been a long ASS practice and everything was echoing wrong and people were listening instead of watching and it was two days before the show and my fricken arc still couldn't figure out where the heck they were supposed to guide to. She came by and told everyone to guide to the wrong people and in the wrong direction. I said "Fuck no!" (and again those of you who know me this helps to illustrate that yes, I was OOC... I don't know if that term can be applied to real people but oh well) "Don't guide to the ends! Guide to center" to which her reply was "I asked Missy, Missy is a section leader and therefor more right than you." "She's a fucking mello! They are NEVER in arcs! If you don't believe me ask James or Clara or somebody who's ever in a fucking arc!" she just walked off and ignored me for a little while after that. All the freshmen (who still can't guide because of her, other reasons too, but mostly her because she can't guide to save her life) just completely stopped listening to her at that point. I didn't make any comments intentionally malicious, nor did I do it to try and take over the section. (Her greatest fear was that Gilbert and I were going to steal control of the section from her, Clara didn't care, we had a section of 30 something, they needed the help but she wouldn't allow it. Now I guess they are founded fears because we both decided that we were not going to deal with it next year and are both trying out for section leader). I just wanted someone to be able to guide so at least the snarky comments about my section wouldn't be true. It's really not much to ask for. Get there on time, and guide. So anyways after she was done ignoring me she came over and pulled me aside and told me that she didn't appreciate being questioned in front of everyone and that in the future if I had something to say to her that I pull her aside and tell her. Which yes is resonable and something that I normally would have done. So I apologized and promised in the future to pull her aside. But this is where it really gets pathetic. She is 19. She is a COLLEGE sophmore. I am not intimidating in the least, I can come across as over bearing and rather odd on first impression (not that the odd part ever really goes away it just expands once you know me better), but then she had known me for over a year. When she was talking to me she looked about a second away from bursting into tears. It was also not the first time that year I had seen her in such a state, anytime there was a confrontation between her and someone her first reaction was tears. I swear she's either a crybaby or used to getting everything her way if she puts on the waterworks. Neither is particularily good. I can't deal with crying people, especially not crying girls. So I did the whole awkward patting on the back thing, and with that one instance what respect I had for her was greatly diminished and eventually completely lost (but that has more to do with her interactions with other people that I observed). I just can't deal with her anymore. I'm kind of in an awkard position because for some reason the brothers have decided that I'm switzerland, and as such continously try to get me to mediate fights between them and her, as she has become quite antagonistic to brothers. I don't want to deal with it, and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to without saying something I'll regret because I don't really like the people that she's fighting with either, but in most cases it's something she has done to cause the problem.
Okay enough about my section leaders... that's done for. Next year will hopefully be better.
So Clara and Gilbert convinced/dragged me to Band Banquet this year, still not entirely sure how that happened. But it was okay, the food was not really to my tastes but the slide show was really good, there was drama all over the place, but it's band when is there ever NOT drama, and it's also escentially Prom, which is also filled with more than it's fair share of drama. (But I like the drama, I thrive off of other people's gossip to the point that Me, Clara and Meg kept a running count of code names so we could discuss such things whenever, even if the topic happened to be standing right next to us in the stadium on game day). But overall I had a good time. I was helping with Date Auction, but it was pretty much taken out of my hands by Amanda and Andrea. Oh well, I don't mind. I made a cake for it, because due to less than favorable economic conditions we didn't get many donations mostly bowling, in fact, everyone was sold with a couple of free games of bowling at Zeppos (Zeppou's?). The cake turned out a bit questionable, the pan popped or something and the batter all left one corner and concentrated in the other three. So there was a large dip in the cake, which I covered with a rather uneven amount of frosting to make the cake appear that it was even. To which Sarah laughed at me a good long while for
I'll really try to update this once a week... really... (but don't expect to much, my life isn't really that exciting)
anime club,
band camp,
japan club,
band banquet,