May 26, 2007 10:44
Okay so I've been home for almost a month now. I've been working 40 hour weeks and I'm gone from noon till nine almost everyday and in the few hours a day I get to see my family they've effectively driven me bonkers. I can't stand being home anymore I really can't. The last few weeks we've had workmen over remodeling the bathroom for re-sale. I don't like the outcome it looks like a hotel bathroom. There are less drawers and barely any water pressure in the shower. One good thing did come of it though, we got a bigger water heater (not by much) but at least I can get a nice warm shower in the morning (this is only a problem because mine is usually the last of four consequtive showers (with Brat boy's usually being a 30 minute long shower).
Not only is my family already an issue this summer, there's no way to escape the house because practically no one is home yet or well be for a few more weeks. Steven and Camille both were home. Camille is now in Scotland and England for a month and if I'm not mistaken Steven is leaving for California in the next few days.
But wait, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse... the arrival of the maternal grandparents!!! grr and argh to the tenth power. They're gonna be in town for Brat boy's graduation and they are gonna be at my house from the 8 till probably the 22 before moving onto one of my other aunts house in Washington. My grandpa is okay. He just sleeps on the couch all day so they only problem I'll have with him is the bathroom traffic. Granny on the other hand, I can't stand to be in the same room as her for more than an hour at a time before I just need to get away and go hit something. (I have a lot of issues with my mother's side of the family... believe me they are all well-founded issues). She also hates dogs so with all of Comet's problems right now I'm sure that every five minutes or so she'll be saying "She pee-ed on the carpet?! you should just put her down" and I really can't deal with that right now. My parents are already carefully watching Comet.
So I haven't really talked about that to anyone yet so sorry guys but you get to read all this but it might be better just to skip it all, you'll be much happier if you do. Writing this is more for my sake (Mom is convinced that I have severe emotional problems)
So Comet's been having trouble walking lately. He's been drinking a LOT more water than usual and hasn't been feeling well in general lately. When we take him for walks he can't even make it half way around the block anymore. He'll just stop and lay down in the middle of the road and refuse to move. Dad has had to carry him home on more than one occasion.
Comet's hips have been bothering him and we've been giving him and aspirin (covered in spaggehetti sauce) daily. So mom was starting to get really worried and researched his breed on the internet. And the most common illnesses associated with Chesapeake Bay Retreivers are the degenerative retina thing he got a few years back that made him blind and the hip thing he has now.
Then things really came to a head last week when Comet tried to get up to got the bathroom and couldn't stand up all the way (one of his back legs just wouldn't work) and ended up peeing all over the floor trying to get outside. At first mom though it was just that food posioning that was all over the news a few weeks back, but then she found that his symptoms match those of a dog whose kidney's are failing, and because Comet is so old mom said the vet won't be able to do anything for him beside perscribing pain pills. So we've been doing everything we can, we've been giving him left over pain biscuits from his surgery, cutting down on his protein intake (which was associated with the failing kidney's) and switched his food to a low protein one for old dogs.
The last few days he looks like he's been feeling better. I was playing with him this morning and he's been begging pretty badly today and yesterday. Which is a sign that he's feeling better, it just hurts because I want to feed him table scraps and biscuits because he's gotten sooooo thin. He's big boned so you can't tell that he is thin until you pet him and you can feel his ribs. I want to feed him but everything is too high in protein and bad for him.
The worst part of all of this is that Mike was too young to remember what happened to Sandy, so he isn't taking any of this seriously, but this is almost the same exact thing. One day she just couldn't walk anymore, she was in too much pain so on my ninth birthday my parents took her in secret to the vet's and had her put down. Almost the same exact thing is happening to Comet right now. My parent's keep watching him, and I understand now, I really do. I don't want him to be in unbareable pain, if it came to that, it truly is the kinder thing to do, to put him down. But as of right now, I don't think I could handle it. It doesn't help that my parents are watching Comet like a hawk, watching for any signs that the pain has gotten to be too much. (Comet's breed are very stubborn dogs, and won't let on that they are in any pain until it gets to be too much for them) And with my birthday coming up in a few months, it just seems like things are kind of repeating themselves (they'd been watching Sandy closely for a few months before tbey finally put her down). Sandy lived to be almost 16, but as of now, it looks like Comet won't even turn 12 (not that we're 100 percent sure that he's 11 now, it was just a best guess. We got him in September of 97and he was already full grown so we were assuming that made him around 1 and a half ).
Well at least I'll have a chance to escape this all for a few days. I'm going up to Spokane for a wedding the second weekend of June, so that'll be fun (even if I did have to go dress shopping because of it). I'll get away from my family and my grandparents and work. I'll see most of my friends from school.