*Warning* - Documented animal abuse. So, July! What a month, eh?
Most recent news first - I scored a 3 on my MPE (Math Placement Exam), which is two grades higher than I expected since I'm all brain damaged and not-friends with math. But I'm so not complaining! It means I get to skip like, a year of math, and I'm A-OK with that!
Next is dogs. Oh, god, dogs. Not even MY dogs. Other people's dogs. There's two - Gideon and Robin Ging, Runaway King. Yes, that's his name. Don't slam it. Robin Ging, Runaway King: he is a handsome little gold chihuahua - yes, handsome chihuahua, they happen - who never barks, never pees on things, never bites, is happy, healthy, curious, and has the funniest personality in the world. AKA: The Perfect Dog. Except for one thing. He's a Runner. Like, Oh. My. God. The first time I thought he got out and someone would be frantically looking for their baby because he was clean and groomed and LOVED. I worried 'Why has he no collar!' and all other woobie worries until I, ya know, tried putting a collar on him. There is a reason I named him Robin, ok. 2.5 seconds, he has ninja'd his way out of any collar. Any. In the end, he ninja'd his way out of a V-HARNESS. Wiggle-wiggle STREAK, and he was in the wind. It's ok, he tots comes back to visit. Just, ya know, I don't try to keep him anymore. He says 'Hi' chums with Beebs, spends the night, and I let him go in the morning. I'd worry about him? Except, yeah. Ninja. And fast. Really, really fucking fast. And smart. So, like Robin Hood. Told you I named him Robin for a reason. (Lots of them, actually)
Gideon: This one is my heartbreaker. He's a loose pup who harassed Bebo and I on our walk on morning, so I followed him home, told his owners, and they said 'Oh, thanks!' and life carried on. Two days later, he was at it again, only this time? No tags. He sat on their front porch all day with no food or water, in 100 degree heat, and would, occasionally, hide in their neighbor's open garage. I actually touched him a couple times, and he FREAKED OUT. Like OH MY GOD, YOU'RE GONNA SKIN ME. YOU'RE GONNA SKIN ME! Fast forward me spending 12 hours sitting on and off with this dog, finding that they filled his water bowl ONCE around 4pm and left him ROTTEN PIZZA to eat, before the owners finally came out. I asked if they'd help me leash him and let me take him. They said yes. He SCREAMED the whole way home. Like a scared rabbit. It broke my heart.
I took him home and proceeded to spend the night with a very, very sick puppy. Puking, diarrhea the consistency of mud - not chunk, not lumpy, MUD. Like, pottery slip. He was covered in ticks so swollen I was sure they were growths. He had TICK COLONIES. But, he lived through the night, I brought him in, and he was thankfully clean on all major diseases - Tick borne, heartworms, serious infections - and was less than a year old. Some meds and we were golden! I got him home, named him Gideon, and happily ever after. I wish. Someone knocked on my door, I open it, and they opened the screen and let him loose, sending him straight back to his previous owners who, when I arrived, said 'You know this is my dog'. I screwed up. I didn't take pictures. I knew it, too. So, I manage to convince them what they had done was legally culpable animal abuse and under the laws on the state, their dog was not theirs because A. He had to tags, B. He wandered off property regularly, and C. They did not provide veterinary care. I told them if their dog was running loose again, I would take him and I would not give him back. I explained feeding him human food did terrible things to his digestive system and caused a bacterial infections. I told them the dehydration was bad enough he had to have an IV (He didn't thankfully, but that's because I'd left water out in the neighbor's garage at 8am. If I hadn't, that dog would've been well on his way to dead). They said they were moving in a month and were wondering what they were going to do with the dog, so they'd absolutely give him to me when they moved. I'm holding on to that hope, but I doubt I'll get him. I also haven't seen him running loose. So, a lesson learned - I see animal abuse? Photos first, tending the animal second.
IN BETTER NEWS! I have finished painting my living room and found a rug! It's all coming together and I promise photos when it's presentable and doesn't have my panties laying around because that is one trait every dog I've ever owned shares - stealing my underwear and leaving it strange places.So, recap: Math Placement Exam - YAY Dogs - ... weird! House - PROGRESS.