Dec 15, 2006 02:54
Oh My God.
I read this today after 14billion years of not updating... holy shit. Lol.
There is absaloutly no way ill get all of what has happened into one update, so, ill just make this a short swift one!
Ok ok ok, So im living in California at the moment! Have been for just over 12 months now. Weather is beautiful, people are beautiful, money is pretty easy.
I worked for THQ the video game company and you'll find my name in the credits of Dawn of War:Dark Crusade Expansion, and Supreme Commander (Which has a billion years till release)
I'm going to be competing in the world Quake 3 Championships this next year, been getting plenty of practice in!
The last 3+ years ive been playing all sorts of OMRPGs, (Final Fantasy XI, Lineage II)
Amongst other games like, Counter Strike, Quake 3, Battlefield 2, and Recently Battlefield 2142.
Also been playing alot of flight sims latley, IL2, Pacific Figthers, Flight Sim 2006, etc etc... All good fun good shit.
- Anyway enough about video games!
Yes thats right, im getting married.
Her name is Miranda, known to us as Leah.
She is perfection personified. Need i say more?
I'll post a picture when i can.
Currently out of work, my THQ contract expried. Not loaded with money, have a tiny bit, and got some more coming in at xmas (Thankyou Taxrebate!)
I Have an awesome bedroom, ima post pictures laters.
Anyway, more updates to come!