Jul 05, 2005 23:31
Alright so yesterday I went to the parade with Brynn. That was fun except for the clown band. They were friggin scary. And Ruckus was wicked good. Then I went to Kate's. Julia, Nicole, Deirdre, and Brynn were there. We swam and then we went for a walk and then we swam again when it was getting kind of dark and we played categories. It was funny 'cause the category was farm animals and Kate almost said camel. Then we had a big fire and we had s'mores and marshmallows and there was a really big beetle so I put that in the fire. Nicole was so hyper from eating like 20 million toasted marshmallows. It was wicked funny. And today I did nothing until later then I went to Allie's field hockey game then my aunt and uncle came over and we got Town Spa and they were here forever. Now I think I'm gonna go to bed. Comment.