^_^ I'm being whimsical. It's been my experience that when I'm around someone too much like me that we both charge ahead, no brakes--fun for us, sometimes terrifying for everyone else.
Ah. Gotchya. I would, never ever ever tease anyone. Really. >>
Hmm I wouldn't say hate, he just doesn't understand why I think he's cute which of course makes him even cuter. Although I think when others say it he does snap. I like to think I'm special.
...sounds like some bizarre religion when I say it like that.
Your friend said I should say hi. I asked him if he was sure he it was safe--critical mass and all that. ^_~
You hurt your eye?
Well I had an accident a while back, it was a little serious but I'm fine now thankfully.
So if you keep the patch, won't it screw up your depth perception?
I'll only use it from time to time, you see I have this friend I like to tease with it.
Ah. Gotchya. I would, never ever ever tease anyone. Really. >>
I don't tease him to torture him, to be honest I just can't help it, the way he reacts is just so cute.
I figured that. I only tease people I like. Hee! Exactly! Does he hate being called cute? Most guys I know really get bent out of shape over it.
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