Yoruichi, thanks a lot for going to the ball with me! Hope you had a good time and enjoyed learning how to do muggle dancing. ^_~ I should show you a muggle club or something over the summer so you can see proper dancing... It'd be a fun hobby, yeah? ;D
The early part of the ball was great fun. After that, it all went... very weird. Not that I'd expect less here, but... Hoo boy. And painful. Oww, so sore... Renji, you're too fucking heavy.
Guys, I just wanted to apologize for being an ass and leaving you towards the end of the ball. I swear I have got absolutely no idea what got into me, it was like... I didn't have any control over my actions. Well, I did, but... in a very limited fashion, and I couldn't think. It wasn't a reflection on you at all. I don't know whether someone put something in my drink or what, but... Weirdest feeling ever.
I'm really sorry. >.<;
Marianne, I can't say how sorry I am for what Renji and I did. I know you'll probably be avoiding us, but please don't... It wasn't something we really had much control over. I swear I had absolutely no intention of doing whatever the hell I did, and have got absolutely no idea why I did that. And I'm sure it's the same with Renji. Someone must've slipped us a potion or put a spell on Rukia or something, 'cos damn... I prefer nicer, prettier chicks than her!
I'll be around if you want to talk. And actually, even if you don't, I'm gonna come find you- I know you're hurting. Just please don't hit me too hard. ^^;
Look, before you start beating yourself (although I'm sure you're already doing that), realize that whatever happened wasn't of our own choice. Somethin' really weird was going on there. So don't be more of an idiot than you already are and just go and apologize to the girls, okay?
Kuchiki, sorry for... attacking you last night like that. I don't know what came over me; I think I was affected by a potion or something. I hope you're all right, and that nothing untoward happened to you the rest of the night.
What the hell happened? I can't believe what I did. Even under the influence of.. of something, I can't believe I'd go and fight with Renji over that Kuchiki girl!
The kids in this school seem to be really potion-happy this year. Let me tell you, if I find out who did this to us... I'm gonna be pissed. And ya don't want to see me pissed. I don't care so much that I got affected, but more about the hell this is going to put Renji and Marianne through. They don't need it.
Fuck. *runs a hand through bangs* This is gonna be unpleasant.
And my head and body hurts like hell from having Renji tossed on me. Think the idiot may have bruised a rib or something. Quidditch practice ain't gonna be much fun. Not bad enough to go to the hospital wing, though.
(ooc: mood and icon private)