FlabWars Update

Apr 28, 2014 12:35

Originally published at Never a dull moment. Please leave any comments there.

Hi All,

I’ve not forgotten about flabwars, I’m looking at the best way to get something we can all use. There is a twitter account @flabwars and a facebook group. However I don’t want the facebook group to take over everything as that’s the point of the website! However do feel free to check in and say hello.

For me my goal from today is to limit calories and to try to average 5000 steps per day. This might be a stretch but it’s what I’m aiming for!

I wanted to ping and let everyone know I’ve not forgotten you, I’m just beavering behind the scenes to set something useful up!

Oh, one last thing, would a meet up in the real world be useful? Something every other week in the centre of Manchester perhaps? No scales, just a chance to meet other flabwars geeks and to provide moral support?

Do let me know how you’re all going on. I know with starting this I need some encouragement to keep me going!


flabwars, geek

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