Feast of Love? Why?

Oct 15, 2007 19:16

Whenever I see that a movie is being made based on a book I really like, my instantaneous reaction is a moment of thrilled excitement, followed by despair.  This happened again today when I saw that Feast of Love is in theaters.  I cannot think of many books that I like better which would be terrible in translation to the big screen.  I have not read reviews of the movie, but I do not expect them to be too complimentary, no matter how good the casting.  With books like Feast of Love, by great writers like Charles Baxter, the characters are almost beside the point.  I do not mean the characters are not created or depicted with anything less than brilliance.  The problem is, as with most great literature, the power is in what the character thinks and not what they do or say.  So when the movie forces the characters to say the great lines rather than think them, it changes everything.  Ah well.  I will go see the movie nonetheless, because I am a glutton for my own special form of torture.
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