Dungeon Adventure Published

Aug 29, 2008 21:38

My adventure in Dungeon magazine, "Massacre at Fort Dolor," was published today at the online home of Dungeon magazine: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/duad/20080828.

I am very happy with how it turned out, especially the art. I am completely hopeless when it comes to the visual arts, so any artistic work leaves me awed. I wish I could have done a better job with the maps, but the cartographer did a fine job of creating the maps exactly as I envisioned them.

It is scary to think back when I was writing this, as I turned in the text of the adventure BEFORE DDXP 2008, which was in February--practically 4 months before the 4e rules were released and several weeks before I had a final draft of the rules. If I were to rewirte the adventure now, I can envision many changes I would make. But that is how just about any creative process is, I think.

Anyway, I hope people get a chance to play it, DM it, and make it part of their D&D games. Greg Marks, one of the other Factionmasters for the Xen'drik Expeditions campaign, also has an adventure in Dungeon this month, and I am looking forward to seeing that as well.
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