Feb 18, 2010 02:59
The sky is tumbling over me
A mess of gray and twisted trees
Off in the distance like old men reaching
Pointing, pointing, so far for me
And I try to focus but the winds are whipping
And I try to stand but my feet won’t hold their ground
The earth is shrieking at me now
With an angry, unidentifiable face
And I wonder how it is that I ever got lost
In such a miserable, lonely place
And I try to focus but your hands cover my eyes
And I try to stand but you’re ripping me, ripping me away
The storm, it blinds, it deafens me
It makes a broken soul irreparable
But even in the shattered pieces
A glimmering hope is visible
And I try to focus but my face is torn
And I try to stand but my feet are worn
So I fall in a heap like crumbling autumn leaves
And you’re hiding in me, you’re still hiding in me
My heart is a ghost town to the untrained eye
A naked plate, home to an invisible feast
But when my eyes heal and my feet are strong
I’ll stare him down, I’ll slay the beast
The storm has blinded, has deafened me
But I still feel a pulse, the warmth of something living
And now that my eyes have healed
The storm has passed, the skies have calmed
I can see the blues and greens and pinks
That were hidden by black clouds all along
And I try to focus but it’s overwhelming
And I try to stand but the view has swept me off my feet