It's getting better lately. I remember to up date. Although something made me think of it. I was just watching a video that a friend zach made. he's in the new media program. I decided to put them online to save them and have people see how I was doing, i guess. here is the first one. it is for continuing education. I was shot for a work assignment for Zach. It's about getting classes online through the PS2 device. pretty cool i guess... but i look like crap. haha! here is another one about worshiping false idols. This was a class assignment of his. I don't have a huge role though. This is the other one. I'm suppose to be saving my boyfriend for becoming a lush basically. hahaha... another class assignment. The ending is kinda cheesey, but that's ok. My friends Nathan and Carl are in this. Nathan is in the bed with me and Carl is the one in the hall. The last one is pure talent... Not that Zach isn't normally talented, but I looks good. I'm suppose to be in this, but we haven't shot the rest yet. My friend Mike and Carl are in this one. They are basically the main characters. Alright. well that's all I fell like posting for now. Just some fun stuff to view for the kiddies :)